With our latest multi-residential project hitting the market – Como Terraces – we find out more about the branding process with Studio Ongarato.
Como Terraces sits in a prime position along Alexandra Avenue in South Yarra. The sloping site has views across the river and a design response that honours the natural surroundings.
Studio Ongarato created a suite of branding to align with our design, here we find out about the approach and the incredible creatives, illustrators and photographers who helped bring it to life.

What was the inspiration behind the branding for Como Terraces?
Como Terraces is the embodiment of the beauty inherent to the South Yarra landscape. The union of nature, modernity and perfection informed by the architecture, landscape and location. Notable aspects of Como Terraces were brought to life through three studies of modern nature; Nature, Earth, Light. Earth as architectural form and foundations, nature as place and location, and light as radiance and interior quality.

How did the architectural response inform the concept?
The architecture and the unique topography of the site was the fundamental point of difference of the project. The tagline, ‘Born of the natural landscape of South Yarra’ speaks to the seamless and sensitive architectural expression of the built form. The natural materials used in the project such as rammed earth and concrete feels as though the buildings are carved from the land.
Carr’s highly considered approach to the design meant that each of the 39 homes (within the 8 unique building) have their own outlook and aspects. No apartment looks into another one, and each view (whether it be city, Yarra or garden) is one of a kind.
The landscaping and outdoor gardens also played a huge role in informing the branding concept. The blend of the local and exotic flora is reflective of the land around the Yarra River, while the exotic takes its inspiration from the notable homes of South Yarra.
Studio Ongarato collaborated with artists and photographers – can you talk to these collaborations, what did they bring to the project?
Artist Frederic Forest – Study of Earth – created the illustrations of the project which depict the architecture, materiality and foundations of Como Terraces.
Photographer Victoria Zschommler – Study of Nature – took the still-life photographs which were taken from a study of local flora, fauna and rock formations found at the site.
Photographer Rory Gardiner – Study of Light. A rammed earth sculpture was constructed on the site and Rory took photos of different lighting conditions from the same location (similar to Monet’s haystacks). This campaign piece was inspired by Frederick McCubbin, the Australia Impressionist artist, who lived the last 10 years of his life on Kensington Road in South Yarra and painted from the Como Terraces site over Como House and towards the Yarra. It also was inspired by the unique light and aspects which each apartment would have.

Why is good branding important for multi-residential projects?
Often developers have an interest in the sales and gestation phase of a development project and therefore see the job to be done as marketing; but as a purchaser, the enduring value of their asset is tied to it as a brand, and is paramount.
A strong brand identity that stands the test of time for a multi-residential project therefore lives well beyond the interest of the developer. As do the communications and values that bind the community within that building or site that results in a greater perceived desire to live there; as well as market reputation and iconic status.