A new site-specific and immersive exhibition by Wona Bae and Charlie Lawler (Loose Leaf) is growing out of Heide II.

Titled En Route, the latest exhibition by Loose Leaf founder’s Wona Bae and Charlie Lawler, takes users on an experiential journey with a site-specific artwork creative especially for the Australian modernist icon Heide II. Forging new landscapes through botanical materials and textures, the exhibition expresses a relationship between traditional built forms and the overrun that nature can create let free.
Using the natural world as a catalyst for the relationship between people and the built environment, En Route morphs and grows in sculptural installations throughout Heide.

The exhibition combines a mix of installation, sculpture, two-dimensional works and photographs of interventions that the pair have made throughout the grounds in the lead up to the exhibition.
The result is an inspiring showcase of how nature and the built world can collide, presenting new experimental and organic forms that play off the clean modernist lines of Heide II.